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Forex Price Action Analysis

Price action trading analysis is a fairly self-evident term.  However, its application is where individuals seem to get lost and even fully understanding how to conduct a proper analysis in a way that helps the individual spot future trends is an important aspect to consider before beginning any investments. Price action trading analysis is the analysis of the price action chart showing where the asset has been, understanding its ups and downs, looking for the underlying patterns, attempting to spot the support level in the resistance level, utilizing the candlestick to gauge the upswing or down swings of the market, and learning how to spot the lower swing high in the higher swing lows, in addition to a slew of other information.


Price action trading analysis is a very technical field that can be difficult for beginners to get a handle on. Conducting the analysis is often done with a huge variety of tools and diagnostic applications, and many of the bigger traders even have automated digital algorithms to help them determine trends and likely scenarios. One of the biggest reasons why price action trading analysis is important is because the market can take into account millions of variables that no human or algorithm could. There are millions of different inputs that can potentially affect the price of an asset on the FOREX market.


When it comes to national currencies, fears about war, politics, elections, court decisions, natural disasters, weather, and a host of other potential factors play in. No human or algorithm can gauge all of these factors and guess how they will affect the market properly. However, the price action analysis reflects that very thing. The price action of an asset is the market reflection of what it believes will occur to a given asset given the circumstances of the world and the political movement of the time. By learning how to utilize the price action of an asset, you can begin to put a million pieces together into one consolidated trend and attempt to gauge where that trend is going in the future to profitable investment.


One of the single largest benefits to utilizing price action trading is the huge liquidity of the market. Trading on the foreign exchange is far easier for early or young investors as well as seasoned investors to get in on. There are often times easily noted potentially repeatable patterns; you can move large or small assets and still make a profit, and due to its volatility, dealing with foreign exchanges also makes it possible to ride a spike and consolidate your trends in ways that are not possible with traditional stock markets where volatile stock is considered a risky investment.


Learning to understand the terminology behind price action trading analysis, learning how to understand and read the graphs, learning how these different things apply, and most importantly from all this learning, learning how to analyze trends to be more profitable is all an essential part of becoming a successful FOREX investor.

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